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Snapshot Publishing global configuration


The global global configuration dashboard is to configure the permissions settings for snapshot publishing

  • users who can create and manage snapshot collections (Collection Manager group)

  • space that use snapshot publishing

Global configuration includes an option to generate a required user token if your instance uses snapshot publishing with Comala Document Management versions prior to v7.20.

Snapshot publishing global configuration dashboard

In the Confluence global administration side bar

  • navigate to the Comala Publishing app configuration menu

  • choose Snapshot Publishing

Permissions settings

Choose Edit to configure snapshot publishing settings.

Collection Manager

  • configure the Confluence groups that can generate snapshots

  • only users who are members of this group will be able to use snapshot publishing in a space and will be able to access the snapshot publishing space dashboard)

A user must also have space administrator permission in a space

Select one or more spaces

  • list the spaces (by spacekey) where snapshot publishing can be used

  • by default ANY space in the instance can use snapshot publishing

Comala Document Management integration

If your instance uses snapshot publishing with Comala Document Management with a Confluence version of v7.19 or earlier you will need to use this option to generate a token for the Confluence user to use snapshot publishing.

When a correct user and token is set, the configuration can be saved and the functionality of the snapshot-page macro can be correctly used

If only one of the fields is empty, the configuration cannot be saved and an error message is displayed indicating one of the values is missing

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