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Re-publishing a parent page that has been previously deleted in the target space does not restore my hierarchy


When I re-publish a parent page previously deleted from the source space, the newly published page in the target space does not become the parent of the previous child pages.


If you (accidentally or intentionally) delete a previously published parent page in your target space, any child pages are moved under the main Overview (or home) page.

So, the next time you re-publish the space (or single page publish the parent page) only the re-published page (the previously deleted parent) will be transferred to its hierarchical location in the target space. The previous child pages will remain under the Overview section of the target space.


Hierarchies for published content in the target space are created on initial publishing of the content. If after publishing a parent is removed or the hierarchy is changed in the target space, Comala Publishing will publish content by default to the ROOT of the target space.

Deleting a previously published page from the target space causes the source page page Page One to revert to a publishing status of NEW. The parent-child hierarchy remains in the source space. The target space child page Page One A is now directly under the main Overview page.

The Page One A page retains a SYNCED publishing status even though the hierarchies are different in the source and target spaces.

Publishing the previously deleted page again will not override the hierarchy in the target space. In the target space, both the newly published page (Page One) and the existing page (Page One A) are published directly under the main Overview page.


You must re-publish the parent page. After publishing the child-parent hierarchy in the target space must be manually re-created by moving the required page(s) to be a child of the newly published page.

This problem will also occur after you have published content and you change the homepage of the target space. For this reason we do not recommend large changes in the hierarchy within a space after publishing. If this is required it may be that you consider restructuring your source space and then deleting all the previously published content the target space before completing a full space publish to the now empty target space.