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Example - list log macro

Example 10 Create a report log of changes

You can view a report log of changes made through the checklist using the list-log macro:

The list-log macro is being used to report on changes for specific animal and the changes made that have been linked to the page. This may be data changed using other list macros on other pages.

{list-log:page=Mexican Burrowing snake|format=simple}{list-log:page=Common Frog|format=simple}{list-log:page=Cat|format=simple}

The three list-log macros are added to a table and will render as:

The individual pages may not display all the data you expect to be associated with the content. Some data shown above is not visible on the referenced page but is attributed to the page as metadata values.

The report shows the following metadata values that have been defined and changed on the parent page Animal Farm in Alpha Centauri using a list macro

  • the metadata Notes.

  • the metadata Lead Owner. 

  • the metadata Can Swim?

  • added labels

Some list macros (list-select macro for example) can be configured in Storage Type in the Edit macro dialogue box to store the column list data value either:

  • solely on the page containing the macro by choosing the checklist option 

  • also storing the value on the page referred to in the row in the list by choosing the rows option.

If checklist option is chosen instead of rows in the macro, the column data values would not be stored on any linked pages. The data would only be available in a  list-log macro report that links to content with the actual list macro.