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Read confirmation due date


The read confirmation popup allows page editors and admins to add and edit the due date for read confirmation

If the read confirmation is added as part of a workflow, the read confirmation due date can also be set using workflow builder. Workflow parameters can be used to specify the values for the due date.

If all assigned read confirmations are not completed by the due date, the read confirmation status in the popup is changed to OVERDUE.

Add due date using read confirmation popup

In the read confirmation popup, choose the due date icon.

Set due date using the popup calendar.

The period of time remaining before read confirmation is overdue is displayed in the popup.

Workflow read confirmation due date configuration 

A due date can be set in the workflow read confirmation configuration.

The editing of the due date by a user in the final state read confirmation popup can be enabled or disabled for a workflow in the read confirmation configuration.

The due date can be set as:

  • a Period of time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years.
  • an ISO 8061 duration.
  • a calendar Fixed Date.
  • a Value Reference.

On the approved transition to the final state, the due date is added to the read confirmation. The period of time until the due date is overdue is displayed in the popup.

Each time a workflow read confirmation is requested, the due date is reset to the value set in the read confirmation configuration.

Overdue read confirmation

If the read confirmation due date passes without all the requested read confirmations being completed, the read confirmation popup displays an OVERDUE status lozenge.

The on-page read confirmation status icon and breadcrumbs will also be colored red.

A reader confirmation completed after the due date will be displayed as confirmed (green tick circle)

  • the time displayed is now period elapsed since the due date expired

Mouse over each reader confirmation icon to view when the reader confirmation occurred, including ones undertaken after the expiry of the due date.

If the due date is edited, the time of an existing reader completed confirmation will be compared to the new due date and any reader confirmation updated.

Resending read confirmations and due date

Resending read confirmations using the read confirmation popup ellipsis menu will refresh the due date in a workflow read confirmation if this was configured in the workflow.

If the read confirmation due date was not added by the workflow read configuration, if a new due date is required, it will need to be set using the popup option.

Working with read confirmations

See the following to learn more: