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Workflow macros define the major functionality of your workflow template, such as states (and the transitions between them), tasks and triggers.

The workflow macro defines your workflow template. The workflow is then created by adding macros such as the state macro, to the body of this workflow macro.

Basic Syntax

In this example workflow, there are two states and one trigger.

{workflow:name=Example} {state:Start|submit=Stop} {state} {state:Stop|submit=Start} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Stop} {set-message}State is: Stop{set-message} {trigger} {workflow}


Comala Document Management Templates

Templates are stored at

A number of workflow templates are bundled with Comala Document Management and are available on installation of the app. Workflows templates can be created within the app for use in your instance. Workflows can also be imported to the global instance or imported to a space.

Editing a workflow template

A workflow template can be edited using the visual editing tool workflow builder. Changes made in workflow builder change/update the markup automatically.

Editing of the workflow template markup can be done directly in the markup editor. Changes made in the markup editor change/update the workflow in workflow builder automatically.

Triggers can can only be created using markup. This markup can be added either using the markup editor or can be copied and pasted into the Triggers option in the Edit Workflow panel in workflow builder.

All Examples

See: Examples


workflow macro - body macros

state macro - body macros

trigger macro - body macros

See: Actions