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workflowproperties macro

Deprecated The macro described below is no longer used – see Remote-space publishing for current best practice.

This macro is no longer displayed in a macro search or the workflow markup.

Security Warning

This macro stores login details in plain text in a workflow template which can be viewed by space admins and, in page mode, end-users too.

If you have any workflows that use this legacy macro, please update as soon as possible. See Remote-space publishing for current best practice.

Overview Deprecated

The workflowproperties macro is the legacy way to configure publishing to a different space or server when using Remote-space publishing.

Where to use it? Deprecated


One {workflowproperties} can be put in a {workflow} macro.

Parameters Deprecated






The url to the remote instance, and should have the form http://host/rpc/xmlrpc .

The plugin uses Confluence's XML-RPC API which has to be enabled


Username for login – must have space admin privileges on target space.


Password associated with username.


The space key of the target space.

Basic example Deprecated

{workflow} {workflowproperties:publishing|url=|user=foo|password=bar|space=PUBLIC} ... {workflow}