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List Column Types

These column types are available when you customize a Comala Boards List:

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Label Checkmark

Use the Checkmark column type to let users add or remove a single label.

To add the checkmark column type:

  1. Select the Checkmark column type.
  2. Enter the Column Header.
  3. Select an existing label or create a new one.
  4. Select a Color in the color-selection window then click . The list row will appear colored if the label is associated with a page.
  5. Accept.

Label Dropdown

Use the Dropdown column type to let users choose one of a group of labels to a page.

By default, there is a blank selection included in the dropdown so the user can remove the label from a page.

To add a dropdown column type:

  1. Select the Dropdown column type.
  2. Enter the Column Header.
  3. Add a Label name.
  4. Add the Caption. The caption is the text that appears on the list dropdown menu when viewing the list.
  5. Click Accept when all labels and captions are entered.

Page Information


To list a page's properties:

  1. Select the Properties column type.
  2. Enter a Column Header.
  3. Select a Page Property.
  4. Accept.

Meta Data Column 

Comala Boards stores the metadata added through Boards Lists in the Comala Metadata Format. You can choose the metadata storage model on the Boards Lists Configuration page.

Metadata is organized as a key:value pair. The column header is the key. The value is what the user enters.

Access and add to page metadata using these metadata column types:


Select a metadata value out of a dropdown list.

To add a metadata dropdown column to the list:

  1. Select Dropdown under Metadata column types.
  2. Enter a Column Header.
  3. Enter the dropdown choices in the Options field.
  4. Click + to add another option, or click - to delete an option.
  5. Accept.


A text column enables users to add single-line comments in a list.

Wiki markup doesn't work in the text column.

To add a metadata text column to the list:

  1. Select Text under Metadata column types.
  2. Enter a Column Header.
  3. Enter the Input Size, which is the number of characters allowed.
  4. Accept.

Text Area 

A text area column provides a text field in which users can enter Confluence wiki markup. For example, entering {cheese} into the text area renders as 'I like cheese!'.  Use common fields to define the width and height in rows for the text area.

To add a text area column to a list:

  1. Select Text Area under Metadata column types.
  2. Enter a Column Header.
  3. Enter the number of Columns and Rows to set the height and width of the text-area field.
  4. Accept.


The Reference column retrieves the values displayed in another list column with the same header name. The value of existing metadata in each row is displayed read only.

To use the reference column type in a list:

  1. Select the Reference column type.
  2. Enter a Column Header that is the same as another column header in the list.

  3. Accept.

Wiki Markup

Use wiki markup in a column to display page-specific information for each row.

To use wiki markup in a list:

  1. Select the Wiki Markup column type.
  2. Enter a Column Header.
  3. Enter the wiki markup.
  4. Accept.

For example: In an employee list, a wiki markup column with !employee.jpg! will display images with that file name attached to a page.

Common fields 

These are common fields for all Column type options:

  • Width: Define a column's width in pixels or percentage.
  • CSS Class: Add the CSS class name. Applies the CSS class rules that have been defined in the Global Stylesheet 
  • Read Only: Check this box to restrict editing on this column.Â