Document activity endpoint records for a list of page ids
{ "sorting": "desc", "filters": { "scope": { "pageIds": [ "1343921", "1343948" ] }, "actors": [ "8aa7c63a7bc8fd3c017bc8fdba710000" ], "participants": [ "8aa7c63a7bc8fd3c017bc8fdba710000" ], "stateNames": [] }, "limit": 100, "offset": 0 } |
This example includes the following filters
to filter the pageidsactors
to filter by one or more users (by userid) who undertook a document activityparticipants
to filter by one or more users (by userid) who were assigned, commented
The report will include all workflow states in the specified pages for the specified users (stateNames [ ]
is empty) and be limited to 100 items.
If the request contains a space/page over which the user making the request does not have enough permissions then the response will be a bad request with details about the spaces/pages over which the user does not have enough permissions and therefore they should be removed from the request
Document activity endpoint records for a list of spaceKeys
{ "sorting": "desc", "filters": { "scope": { "spaceKeys": [ "AWP" ] }, "stateNames": [] } } |
This example includes the following filters
to filter the spacekeys
The report will include all workflow states in the specified spaces - (stateNames [ ]
is empty) and be limited to 100 items.
If the request contains a space/page over which the user making the request does not have enough permissions then the response will be a bad request with details about the spaces/pages over which the user does not have enough permissions and therefore they should be removed from the request
Examples of use of document activity API include
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
JSON Documentation test below
Requirements for this to be simple holding page published to Refined. Links to API documentation to a separate space to allow use of Open API macro.
Adding text to Open API macro
Adding via url to Open API macro
….need to work out the link format