A workflow state is a milestone in your documentation process. At any one time, the content can only be in one state.
Each state in a workflow will have
- a unique name
- a colored state byline circle
- an (optional) description
A state can also have a number of attributes including
- the transitions that are available from that state to another state
- whether a content review can be undertaken in the state
- the ability to assign reviewers to the content review
- whether the state will transition if the content is updated
- the option to set a due date for the expiry of the state
A single state in the workflow can be set as a final state.
Workflow state
The name of the current state of the page is shown next to a colored status indicator circle.
You can click the state link to open the /wiki/spaces/WLSD/pages/6620644246.
This Review state has a content review transition. For the Review state the workflow popup displays
- the content review (Review this page)
- the Approve and Reject buttons
- +Add Reviewer option allows one or more users to be assigned to the content review
- if the colored circle on the content byline is filled, it means you (as the current user viewing the content) are assigned to a content review.
A workflow state can be figured to allow a user to select the destination state for the transition.
A state can be set as a final state in the workflow. The default state byline circle for a final state is green.
Attributes for the state (state name, any added state description, expiration period) are displayed in the workflow popup.
Each state in a custom workflow can be edited using workflow builder.