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Table of Contents

Latest Releases

26th January 2024


  • fixed an issue, introduced in an earlier release, that prevented some page watchers from receiving email notifications


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.143

25th January 2024


  • performance and speed improvements


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.142

24th January 2024


  • update to prepare for the release of the new space settings document management dashboard UI


The update to the space document management dashboard is to be implemented in a planned feature update release expected

titleMarch 2024
. There is currently no change to the current app for the user or administrator in this release.


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.141

19th January 2024


  • fixed a problem that sometimes caused a space reindex to fail when some of the pages in a space did not have a workflow status


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.137

18th January 2024


  • fixed a problem that caused workflow builder to crash when trying to save and exit workflow builder after changes made in the code editor to an app installed workflow without changing the workflow name


Workflows installed with the app cannot be overwritten and after editing one of these workflows the customized workflow must be saved with a new name.


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.136

16th January 2024


  • fixed a problem that caused workflow builder to crash when trying to save and exit workflow builder after changes made in the visual editor to an app installed workflow without changing the workflow name


Workflows installed with the app cannot be overwritten and after editing these workflows the customized workflow must be saved with a new name.


Release Comala Document Management 3.45.134


27th April 2023


  • updated some app user interface buttons to prevent multiple user clicks and subsequent errors

For example, when choosing the Apply button to add a workflow using the workflow picker, a spinner is now displayed and the Cancel button is disabled whilst workflow is applied.


  • maintenance updates to improve performance and stability


  • fixed an issue that closed workflow builder when saving a change to a state whilst whilst creating a custom workflow using the Basic Approval Workflow template

  • resolved an error rendering the Document Report when using the report filter buttons or choosing to display more entries


13th December 2022

What's New?

This is our Our new documentation space is now for Comala Document Management Cloud!

We have updated the in-app links to the new documentation space.(info)

The old documentation space at


is no longer be updated for Comala Document Management Cloud.

If you have any questions please open a ticket with our support team.


  • minor maintenance updates to improve stability and performance


Add one or more document approvals macros to a document to display approval information for a selected workflow state. The macro can be configured to display the overall approval status, the assignees for the review, each reviewer’s decision status, and the date of the last decision for each reviewer and the reviewer comment.




The document approvals macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties and page properties report macros.


  • migrated content from server now includes the page status macro when the source server content includes the server page status page macro

    • the page status macro is not available in the macro browser in cloud

    • we recommend replacing this macro with the document state macro


Add the document state macro to a document to display one or more of the content current workflow state, the date the state changed, and, if present the state expiry date.




The macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties and page properties report macros.

1st September 2022



  • pages were not expiring on the due date unless the page was viewed by a user.  This release expires the content that is due since its deployment

  • fixed an error that stopped a due date on pages with a long contentId from expiring


This release


does not affect pages with a historic expiration prior to its release date. This is to avoid unforeseen changes in the workflow history of these pages.

June 1st 2022

What's New?

To better understand what business case our evaluation customers are seeking to achieve when installing Comala Document Management the workflow picker now has the option to select a business use option from a drop-down menu before choosing a workflow to apply.


Choosing Show workflow opens a dialog box displaying a visual workflow diagram for the current workflow applied to the content.





Users can also view the current workflow by choosing the Show workflow option in the page tools menu.


May 5th 2022


What's New?


  • new layout for Utilities and Settings



    • new Edit Workflow button that is always visible for the current space workflow.


    if the current space workflow is disabled only Reindex Workflows is displayed in the Utilities/Settings options.

    • new Set Parameters button option displayed if the current space workflow includes one or more workflow parameters


    (info) Selecting Selecting the Set Parameters button opens the Parameters dialog box to edit the workflow parameter values.


    • users cannot now clear Workflow History from an individual page - the Reset Workflows buttonhas been removed from the page Workflow History report
      oImage Removed

    (warning) Workflow history is stored as an attachment to a document. This attachment can still be deleted by a user with edit or admin permission and this will clear the document Workflow History for the individual document.


    • updated Workflow Report to display "You have no approval workflows applied in this space" when no Comalatech workflow has been applied to any content in a space

      Image RemovedImage Added
    • improved the appearance of the Workflow Report dialog box when displaying multiple assignees of a specific approval

    • improved the display of group parameters in the parameters value dialog box accessed through Manage Workflow parameters menu option on the content

    • resolved an issue in migration for spaces with >5k documents migrating some anonymous user and deleted user details who actioned the last workflow state change


    • You can use the Initialize states option to publish every page in a space to a target space at the same time. Comala Publishing is used to publish content in a space on a page-by-page basis.  However, you can choose to configure the Comla Publishing action on the transition to a specific state

      • the source space page hierarchy is maintained on the publish action to the target space

    • updated space document dashboard UI to include a warning when initializing states if Comala Publishing is installed

      "Note: if

    “If Comala Publishing is installed & configured for this space, Initializing states when may result in unforeseen publishing of content to the target space"


    • fixed a problem that when a space admin chose to initialize states, it initialized content to the initial workflow state instead of the state selected in the space settings Document Dashboard dropdown menu

    • resolved a problem that was causing misdirected request logs


    • from the Document Report by choosing a reviewer avatar

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    • resolved issue of set-expiration macro use in a trigger


    Introducing Comala Document Management Cloud as part of the roadmap of development of the Comalatech Comala Document Management family of Cloud apps.


    For details of the roadmap for feature development please see Migrating to Confluence Cloud for Comalatech Comala Document Management for Cloud app.