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Welcome to Comala Share It
Welcome to Comala Share It

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Welcome to Comala Share It
Welcome to Comala Share It

How to

Table of Contents
excludeThe "Shared" banner doesn't appear. I'm using the RefinedWiki theme


How to Disable Share It for Certain Spaces

  1. Go to the Share It configuration menu (only admins).

  2. Move spaces between Allowed and Restricted lists

  3. Save the configuration settings once you have finished.

  4. All new groups are, by default Allowed.

  5. Ready! There is no sharing options in the restricted spaces and existing links will be restricted.


Read-only mode

When read-only mode is enabled for the Confluence instance, sharing and/or removing links is not allowed.


How to Enable the Functionality Only for a Group of Users

  1. Go to the Share It configuration screen and start typing in the "ALLOWED GROUPS" input field, once a group is selected, click in Add button. If a group is added, then sharing is only allowed for that group (and admins). Otherwise, all users are allowed to do so.

  2. This input field uses autocomplete to enable users to quickly find and select from the existing groups. Select the proper group.

  3. Save the configuration settings once you have finished.


How to Force Expired Links Deletion

  1. Only admins. Expired links are by default deleted once a day, at 23:00. Go to Confluence Admin (confluence/admin/console.action).

  2. Go to Scheduled Jobs(confluence/admin/scheduledjobs/viewscheduledjobs.action).

  3. Look for "Stop Sharing Expired Links".

  4. There you can disable or run it manually, check the history or edit it. If you edit it, just add your own Cron Expression.


How to Configure Sharing by Email

  1. You can disable email sharing unchecking its checkbox.

  2. Subject and body can personalized with your own template.

  3. Remember to add the {URL} parameter (click the button). Otherwise the link will not be added.


How to Add Confluence Comments to Shared Pages

  1. Go to the Share It configuration menu (only admins).

  2. Enable Comments in Shared Pages, and click save.

  3. Now, all your shared pages will display the existing comments.


How to Add Disqus Comments to Shared Pages

  1. Go to the Share It configuration menu (only admins).

  2. Enable Disqus comments in Shared Pages.

  3. Add the website name.

    1. You will find the website name in your Disqus configuration dashboard.

    2. Make sure you have configured your Website URL in Disqus too.

  4. Click save. Now, all your shared pages will have Disqus ready.



The "Shared" banner doesn't appear. I'm using the RefinedWiki theme
