Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Use of the following characters inside macro parameter values can result in a syntax error.

{ }
Curly braces are used to denote macro tags
|Pipes are used as a delimiter for macro parameters


The following characters can not be used for content labels.

! # & ( ) * , . : ; < > ? @ [ ] ^Confluence places these restrictions on labels


The following characters can not be used for state names.


: , ; < > @ / \\  | # [ ] { } ^ \ =

Confluence places these restrictions on characters


,Commas are used as a delimiter in comma-separated lists
@"At" symbols are used to denote Value References
&Ampersands are used to mandate (OR → AND) all list items in Conditions
!Exclamation marks are used to negate Conditions
[ ]Used to denote links in wiki markup
