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excludeSee also


In various parts of the interface and in reports(including the workflow popup), you will see a circle followed by a workflow state name.


The circle default color indicates the nature of the workflow state.

The state indicator circle color can be customized for each state.


State indicator circles - default colors

The default state indicator circle color differentiates between content that is

The state color is displayed in

  • the page state byline breadcrumb

  • in the workflow popup progress bar

  • in workflow builder for a state indicator circle and the state lozenge

  • in reports displaying the state name and state indicator circle


Colors listed on this page are the app


default state colors; they can be overridden by the state color parameter by editing a state


using workflow builder.

State indicator circles - default colors






Undefined state

When the workflow does not define one state to be a published (final) state, all states in the workflow are shown with a blue state indicator circle in the workflow byline, workflow popup and in workflow builder.


The default blue colored indicator circle for each state in a workflow is only displayed when a final state has not been configured in the workflow and the default color for that state has not been changed.

Draft state


When the workflow includes a state defined as the published (final) state


, all other states are


Final (published) state

This state is the workflow final state. The state has been defined using final=true


Confused state

The current state missing from the workflow template.

See - Confused States.


displayed with an orange indicator circle in the workflow byline, workflow popup and in workflow builder.


The orange colored indicator circles are only displayed for each state in a workflow (except the final state), if the default color for these states has not been changed and a final state has been defined.

Final state

When the workflow includes a state defined as the published (final) state, this state is displayed with a green indicator circle in the workflow byline, workflow popup and in workflow builder.


The final state is defined using the final=true parameter. This can be set using workflow builder to edit a state and check the Final attribute option box.

A green indicator circle is only displayed for the final state in a workflow and the default color for that state has not been changed. Only one state in a workflow can be defined as a final state.

State indicator circles in workflow builder

In addition, in workflow builder the behavior or attribute of the state may be indicated with an icon appended to the state indicator circle.


The state that is the workflow final state (if a final state is set for the workflow) includes a flag icon appended to the state indicator circle.


A state including an approval displays the state indicator circle with a tick icon.


See also

Child pages (Children Display)
pageWorkflow State