Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Table of Contents
excludeSee also



Configuring a target space for publishing will add a Comala Publishing byline to each page in the source space and the target space.

The publishing byline is added to the page header.

Image Added

Image Removed



The visibility of the publishing byline on the source and target space pages align with the Confluence permission restrictions for the page in each space. The byline is only displayed for a user with both Confluence view and edit permission for the page.

Publishing popup

You can choose the publishing byline to open the publishing popup.


The publishing popup displays details of

  • the current publishing status of the page

  • a Publish button

  • a settings cog to open the space tools publishing dashboard (only displayed for users with space administrator permission)

In addition in the source space, if previously published an option to View Published Version in the target space.


If a page in the source space has not yet been published the publishing byline will display a New lozenge.


The publishing popup will display the Publish button




The Publish button is displayed when single-page publishing is enabled in the space.

Synced byline


When a page is published to the target space the byline on the page in the source space (and the target space) will change to Synced.


Image Added

The publishing popup displays

  • the current time elapsed since the sync occurred

  • a Publish button option

  • a View Published Version button to display the page in the target space

The page in the target space will also display the Synced byline.

The publishing popup displays

  • the current time elapsed since the sync occurred

  • a Publish button option

  • a View Published Version button to display the page in the target space

The page in the target space will also display the Synced byline.


The target space page publishing popup will display an option to View Source Version.

Out of sync byline


The publishing status will change to Out of sync when changes are made to the page.


Image Added

Page publishing status will change to Out of sync if changes are made in either the source or target space page.

Both target and source pages will display the Out of sync lozenge.


If a page is removed in the source space, the target page byline will change to Removed in the source space.


However, if the page is removed in the target space the byline on the source page changes to Out of sync.

Child pages (Children Display)