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Table of Contents
excludeWorking with Read Confirmations


A user with edit permission for the content can add a simple read confirmation to a page or blog post.


A user can choose the Read Confirmations option in the page tools menu to open the read confirmation popup.


 To add a simple read confirmation to the content you must assign at least one user as a reader in the read confirmation popup.


Once a user is assigned

  • the user avatar

    will be

    is added to the read confirmation popup as a reader

  • the read confirmation status

    will be

    is set as PENDING


Choose Close to add the read confirmation and return to the content.


The current status of the read confirmation is displayed in a byline in the content subtitle.


The assigned reader can confirm the read confirmation using the byline on the content to open the read confirmation popup.

Choose the Confirm button


The updated read confirmation byline is displayed in the page sub-title.


The popup is also updated with the read confirmation status.

Detail of the reader confirmation include the content version, and the period of time elapsed since the read confirmation


Adding more readers will reset resets the read confirmation to PARTIAL (or PENDING if no current reader has confirmed).


The last read confirmation by each previous reader can be viewed in the read confirmation popup by choosing Read Confirmations in the page tools menu.


A reader read confirmation for a previous version is displayed with an orange circle tick icon.

A new reader (or a displayed previous reader) must be assigned to add a new read confirmation request.


Assigning readers

As a page editor, you can assign one or more users as a reader using the search box in the popup.


The progress of the added read confirmation will be is tracked for each assigned reader in the popup.


If some readers have confirmed and some have an outstanding read confirmation for this content, the read confirmation status is PARTIAL.

  • each user can be removed individually as a reader from the read confirmation

  • use

    using the Clear list option

    to remove

    removes all existing readers



Any user with view permission for the content can also confirm reading the content but must first be assigned as a reader.

Users with edit permission for the content (and space admins) can add users as readers.

Removing individual readers

An individual reader can be is unassigned by simply choosing the X in the Assigned column in the read confirmation popup.


The detail of the last read confirmation a removed reader had undertaken is retained but the user is no longer assigned as a reader.


The read confirmation status


is based on the remaining assigned readers.

Removing all readers

You also use the Clear list option in the read confirmation popup to remove all assigned readers.

  • the last read confirmation undertaken by each reader is retained in the popup

  • the details for any reader who had not undertaken the read confirmation are removed from the popup

All previously assigned readers are unassigned.

The read confirmation is retained on the page and new readers can be assigned.

The content byline will display displays the default Read Confirmation byline breadcrumb.


User Guide

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