Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Sending an email to @document_user_reviewers@ when the page reaches the named state Published


In this example, the trigger listens for the change of state event to the state named Published.

The action sends an email to each of the following

  • watchers for the page “@watchers"

  • user who last updated the page "@lastUpdatedBy"

  • author of the



  • “@document_user_reviewers@


  • "

Code Block
"triggers": [
    "conditions": [
        "state": "Published"
    "actions": [
        "recipients": [
        "notification": {
          	"subject":"${content.title} has been expiredpublished",
          	"title":"${content.title} hasis expiredpublished",
          	"body":"Hello, ${} in the ${} space has expiredapproved and is now needsin tothe bePUBLISHED reviewedstate"
        	"body":"The page has expired been approved and published",

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, since it will be added by workflow builder.



  • trigger listens for a state change event

  • condition added

- trigger will only listen
  • for change of workflow state to named state


"state": "Published"

  • state condition for the trigger event



  • email sent to users who are added as values for the workflow parameter

  • @document_user_reviewers@



  • on-screen info type message notification when viewing the content stating content has

  • been approved and published that will auto close after 10s



titleJSON format to add to workflow builder
Code Block
[{"event":"on-change-state","conditions":[{"state":"Published"}],"actions":[{"action":"send-email","recipients":["@document_user_reviewers@"],"notification":{"subject":"${content.title} is Published State","title":"${content.title} is Published State","body":"Hello, ${} in the ${} the page is Published"}}]}]

An alternative is to use the final:true condition for the on-change-state event if you have the Published state configured as the workflow final state.

(info) It is mandatory in the

A range of JSON trigger actions is available including the clean-message action to remove all on-screen notifications.

List of trigger actions

Child pages (Children Display)pageJSON Trigger actions