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Content Review transitions

If a content review is present in a workflow state the workflow popup will display an option to approve or reject the content.


approved transition


  • occurs when a user (or all assigned users) approve the content

rejected transition


  • occurs when a user (or all assigned users) reject the content

The approved and rejected transitions are only available when the state contains an approval (content review)


The destination states for the approval transitions are set by the workflow leaving your editors to focus on the approval decision for the content in the current state.

For some workflow states, a reviewer content review decision may not cause the workflow state to change. The content will remain in the current state (for example, rejecting the document already in theĀ Rejected state in the Content Expiry workflow) but the content review decision is recorded in the Approval History for the page.


Content review transitions are in a number of states in theĀ Comala Document Management workflows bundled with the app.

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