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Content reviews, or Approvalsor approvals, focus on Approving or Rejecting the content of a page or blog post.


They are characterised by two buttons, named "Approve" and "Reject".If there are no reviewers Reject in the workflow popup and an option to assign one or more users as a reviewer.

The approval workflow requires the content to be reviewed when it is in the Review state or in the Rejected state.


If no reviewer is assigned to the content review, any use user with Edit or Admin permissions can undertake the content review (the approval) and a single reviewer approval decision will cause the content to transition

  • a reject decision causes a transition to the Rejected state

  • an approve decision causes a transition to the Approved state

Users can be assigned as reviewers using the Add reviewer option in the workflow popup.


Once a user has been assigned as a reviewer only that user can undertake the content review.

When a reviewer has been assigned the Approve and Reject buttons are disabled (greyed out) for any other user.

When more than one user is assigned as a reviewer, all the assigned reviewers must agree to either Approve or Reject the content for the approval to transition to occur.

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