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Importing workflows

Find out how to /wiki/spaces/CDML/pages/6833013668

Sample Document Management workflowrequires v3.0.2+
com.comalatech.workflow.repository.categories.label: Document Management|Technical Documentation|Sample


A sample document management workflow to illustrate how different approvals may be required depending on the labels on a page

Code Block
titleSample Document Management Workflow
{workflow:name=Sample Document Management workflow}
        Simple quality management workflow incorporating page labels to identify the page approver. 
    {workflowparameter:Change Management Director|type=user}
        <at:var at:name="user" />
    {workflowparameter:Implementation Director|type=user}
        <at:var at:name="user" />
    {workflowparameter:Document Manager|type=user}
        <at:var at:name="user" />
    {state:Draft|submit=For Review}
    {state:For Review|approved=In QM Review|rejected=Draft}
        {approval:Change Management|label=change_management|user=@Change Management Director@}
        {approval:Implementation|label=implementation|user=@Implementation Director@}
    {state:In QM Review|approved=Approved|rejected=For Review}
        {approval:QM Review}

Sample Document Management Process


  • the actual approvers can be configured using workflow parameters
  • the user values of these workflow parameters, Change Management Director and  Document Management Director, can be edited in the Space Tools Parameter Dashboard
  • if the page has the change_management label, then the document requires the approval from users who are added as a value for Change Management Director and Document Manager
  • if the page has the implementation label, then the document requires the approval from users who are added as a value for Implementation Director and Document Manager