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Wiki Markup
{repository-description:name=Technical Documentation Workflow}
* Simple tech docs review workflow,
* pending pages are restricted from read only viewing and will expire if not approved within the specified period of time.
Pages* pages approved within the set time are published and visible to all users.
{workflow:name=Technical Documentation Workflow}
Simple tech docs review workflow., *pending Pending pages are restricted from read only viewing and will expire if not approved within the specified period of time., * Pagespages approved within the set time are published and visible to all users.
    {workflowparameter:Document Editors|description=Only members of this users group can view pending documents|type=group}
    {workflowparameter:Pending Expiration|description=If a page stays in 'For review' for this period of time, then the state will be changed to 'Expired'|type=duration}
    {state:Pending|submit=For review|taskable=true}
    {state:For review|approved=Published|rejected=Pending|expired=Expired|taskable=true|hideselection=true|duedate=@Pending Expiration@}
    {state:Published|final=true|updated=For review}
    {state:On hold|submit=For review|hidefrompath=true}
        {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@}
    {trigger:statechanged|state=On hold}
        {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@}
        {send-email:user=<at:var at:name="assignee" />|subject=<at:var at:name="task" /> has been assigned to you}
        Task <at:var at:name="task" /> on <at:var at:name="page" /> has been assigned to you by [~<at:var at:name="user" />].
        {quote}<at:var at:name="comment" />{quote}
