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Wiki Markup
{repository-description:name=Technical Documentation Workflow}
* Simple tech docs review workflow, pending pages are restricted from read only viewing and will expire if not approved within the specified period of time. Pages approved within the set time are published and visible to all users.
{workflow:name=Technical Documentation Workflow}
Simple tech docs review workflow.
* pendingPending pages are restricted from read only viewing and will expire if not approved within the specified period of time.
* pagesPages approved within the set time are published and visible to all users.
    {workflowparameter:Document Editors|description=Only members of this users group can view pending documents|type=group}
    {workflowparameter:Pending Expiration|description=If a page stays in 'For review' for this period of time, then the state will be changed to 'Expired'|type=duration}
    {state:Pending|submit=For review|taskable=true}
    {state:For review|approved=Published|rejected=Pending|expired=Expired|taskable=true|hideselection=true|duedate=@Pending Expiration@}
    {state:Published|final=true|updated=For review}
    {state:On hold|submit=For review|hidefrompath=true}
        {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@}
    {trigger:statechanged|state=On hold}
        {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@}
        {send-email:user=<at:var at:name="assignee" />|subject=<at:var at:name="task" /> has been assigned to you}
        Task <at:var at:name="task" /> on <at:var at:name="page" /> has been assigned to you by [~<at:var at:name="user" />].
        {quote}<at:var at:name="comment" />{quote}
