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Wiki Markup
{repository-description:name=Quality Management System workflow}
{note}This workflow performs publishing to a different space, which requires our [Comala Publishing App|].{note}

* This workflow implements a QMS workflow for document management.
* The workflow works in pages with the "qms_approval" label. The label cannot be removed (stickylabel).
{workflow:name=Quality Management System|label=qms_approval|stickylabels=qms_approval}
        Quality Management system workflow
    {state:Draft|approved=In Approval|rejected=Obsolete}
        {approval:In Approval or Obsolete|credentials=2|assignable=true|group=controlled_documents_approvers|rejectlabel=Make Obsolete}
    {state:In Approval|approved=Published|rejected=Draft|updated=Draft|taskable=true|colour=#6554c0}
    {state:Published|final=true|approved=In Approval|rejected=Obsolete|updated=Draft}
        {approval:In Approval or Obsolete|credentials=2|assignable=true|group=controlled_documents_approvers|approvelabel=In Approval|rejectlabel=Make Obsolete}
    {trigger:statechanged|state=In Approval}
        {set-message:style=error}This page is *obsolete*{set-message}

Draft state

  • Only members of the group controlled_documents_approvers can approve, using user+password. If I assign to members of that group, all them have to approve.
  • If approved, transitions to In Approval.
  • If rejected, transitions to Obsolete.
  • Page can be edited.

In Approval state

  • Same approval, only members of the group controlled_documents_approvers can approve, using user+password. If I assign to members of that group, all them have to approve.
  • Page cannot be edited.
  • If approved, transitions to Published.
  • If rejected, transitions to Draft.
  • Editions transition to Draft.
  • Tasks can be added.

Published state

  • The page is published to the target space using Comala Publishing.
  • Restrictions still apply.
  • Editions transition to Draft.
  • It could transition to In Approval or to Obsolete.

Obsolete state

  • A qms_obsolete label is added.
  • Page cannot be edited.
  • The page is published to the target space using Comala Publishing to transfer the new Obsolete state to the published space. Restrictions and label is copied to the page in the target space. 
  • Tasks can be added.
  • A message is displayed "This page is obsolete". 
    • An alternative to include a message also in the published page in the target space, is to use the macro include-segment.