Wiki Markup |
{repository-workflow:comalatech.techdoc|categories=techdoc|chart=techdoc.png} {repository-description:name=Technical Documentation Workflow} * We use this workflow for the [Ad hoc Workflows documentation|http://www.adhocworkflows.com/display/AWP]. * New pages are hidden from the public, when ready, they are submitted for review and if approved, they get published. {repository-description} {workflow-body} {workflow} {workflowparameter:Document Editors|description=Only members of this users group can view pending documents|type=group} confluence-users {workflowparameter} {workflowparameter:Pending Expiration|description=If a page stays in 'For review' for this period of time, then the state will be changed to 'Expired'|type=duration} P10D {workflowparameter} {state:Pending|submit=For review|taskable=true} {state} {state:For review|approved=Published|rejected=Pending|expired=Expired|taskable=true|hideselection=true|duedate=@Pending Expiration@} {approval:Publish} {state} {state:Published|final=true|updated=For review} {state} {state:On hold|submit=For review} {state} {state:Expired} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Pending|initial=true} {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@} {trigger} {trigger:statechanged|state=Published} {remove-restriction:type=View} {trigger} {trigger:statechanged|state=On hold} {add-restriction:type=View|group=@Document Editors@} {trigger} {trigger:taskassigned} {send-email:user=@assignee@|subject=@task@<at:var at:name="assignee" />|subject=<at:var at:name="task" /> has been assigned to you} Task _@task@<at:var at:name="task" />_ on @page@ <at:var at:name="page" /> has been assigned to you by [~@user@~<at:var at:name="user" />].\\ {quote}@comment@<at:var at:name="comment" />{quote} {pageactivity} {send-email} {trigger} {trigger:pageassigned} {send-email:user=@assignees@<at:var at:name="assignees" />|subject=A document has been assigned to you} The document @page@ <at:var at:name="page" /> has been assigned to you by [~@user@~<at:var at:name="user" />]. {quote}@comment@<at:var at:name="comment" />{quote} {pageactivity} {send-email} {trigger} {workflow} {workflow-body} {repository-workflow} h3. |
- If
- a
- published
- page
- is
- updated,
- then
- is
- set
- for
- review
- again.
- Read-only
- users
- have
- access
- to
- the
- published
- versions
- only.
- If
- pages
- for
- review
- are
- not
- approved
- or
- rejected
- for
- a
- period
- of
- time
- are
- transition
- to
- the
- expired
- state.
- Pages
- can
- be
- put
- on
- hold
- to
- be
- hidden
- from
- the
- public.
- The
- editors
- and
- expiration
- period
- are
- configurable.