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Wiki Markup
{repository-description:name=Editor and staff approval workflow}
* An Approvals Workflow with four stages: Draft, Ready, Reviewed and Published. 
* Staff edit a page, but it is not published until the Editor-in-Chief gives approval.
{workflow:name=Editor and staff approval workflow|key=com.comalatech.sample.approvals.02}
* An Approvals Workflow with four stages: Draft, Ready, Reviewed and Published.
    {workflowparameter:Reviewers|description=Reviewers group|type=group}
    {workflowparameter:Editor in Chief|description=User able to give final approval|type=user}
        {approval:Editor in Chief|final=true|user=@Editor in Chief@}
        {send-email:user=@Editor in Chief@|subject=Page ready for final approval}
        The page @page@ has been approved by [~@user@] and is waiting for your final approval.


* Staff edit pages, and mark as _Ready_ for a Manager to review.
* Once reviewed, pages are sent to the Editor-in-Chief.
* Once approved by Editor-in-Chief, the page is published.
* Reviewer and Editor-in-Chief are defined in the Space Admin Workflow Configuration.