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Space Publishing

Content can be published and synchronized from one space to another space in the same instance.

Space Publishing is used to copy and sync space content from a source space to a target space.

  • a target space must first be linked to the source space for space publishing

A space administrator can copy and publish all the space content content in a single publish action. The space administrator can also allow users with edit permission to copy and publish individual pages.

Space Publishing

If a Comala Document Management workflow is applied to a document, publishing can also be configured to occur on a transition to the workflow final state.

Publishing status

After linking the source space and target space in the space publishing configuration, the source space documents publishing status is set as NEW.

Once an initial copy and publish action has occurred, each document will be synced and the document status will be PUBLISHED.

A change in either a source space document or target space document will set the the document status to OUT OF SYNC.

The publishing status lozenges are displayed by default on both the source space content and the target space content (for users with admin or edit permission for the content in that space).

Deleting a published document from the source space will set the target space document status as REMOVED. Deleting a published document from the target space sets the source space document as NEW.

What is copied and published?

Space Publishing can be configured to include

  • pages, blogposts, top-level pages

The publish and sync action can also be set to include

  • labels, content properties, version comments, display/hide the publishing status lozenges

You can also choose to match labels on content in each space, delete any content found in the target space, copy page restrictions and replace source space references in the published content to the target space references.

A label can be set by a global administrator as a sync-label. This sync-label can then used to determine which content to publish in a space publishing action.

The content to be published and synced for Space Publishing is configured separately to the copy space configuration options.

Who can use Space Publishing?


To publish source space content (an individual page or the whole space) you must


Publish a single page, publish a whole space or publish content using a Comala Document Management family of apps workflow

Using Space Publishing

Child pages (Children Display)

Space content can also be copied to another space in a one-off copy action using Copy Space. The target space set for Copy Space is not linked to the target space set in the copy space configuration for the space.


Publish a single page

You can publish a single page or blog post ... 


... when Single Page Publishing is enabled in the space tools Publishing dashboard.

When the content has been published a link to the published content is added to the draft content.


In the published space a user with view and edit permission will see a link to the draft content if they have at least view permission for the draft space.

Publish the space

...or go to Publishing in Space tools ...

... to publish the space as a whole.

You can

Using Comala Publishing together with Comala Document Management

Content can also be published using Comala Publishing together with Comala Document Management app. For example, if a Comalatech workflow is added and applied to content, the publishing action can be set to occur on the workflow transition to the final state. See  Configuring publishing settings.

Publishing status lozenges

You can configure the app to display a publishing status lozenge on the draft and published content.

Publishing status will display content with

  • Status
    titleout of sync
     a yellow OUT OF SYNC lozenge if the content has changed in either the draft or public space

  • Status
     a blue NEW lozenge if a new content has been created in the draft space

  • Status
     a green PUBLISHED lozenge if the content has been published and the draft and published space are still the same

Who can see the Publishing status lozenge?

The display of the Comala Publishing status lozenge on the source space content can be configured in Publishing settings.

Check the Display Publishing Status Lozenge option to enable the display of the lozenge.

If you have Comala Document Management installed it may be useful for clarity to hide the publishing lozenge.

In the target space the display of the publishing status lozenge is based on the current user Confluence permissions for the content in the source space.

  • if the current user has view permission for the source content, they will see the lozenge and a link to the draft page on the target space content

  • if the current user does not have view permission for the source content, the publishing lozenge is not displayed and there is no link to the draft content on the target space content 


Global administrators can configure the list of spaces that can be published.