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When a workflow is applied to a page or blog post, the Content Byline Item will be added to the page/blog heading:

Image RemovedImage Added

Related pages

Child pages (Children Display)

A workflow state is a milestone in your documentation process. At any one time, the content can only be in one state. 

Each state in a workflow will have

  • a unique name

  • a colored state byline circle

  • an (optional) description

A state can also have a number of attributes including

A single state in the workflow can be set as a final state.

(green star) If you want to view the workflow currently applied to the page, you can choose Show workflow from the workflow popup ellipsis action menu to display the visual workflow diagram

Workflow state

The name of the current state of the page is shown next to a colored status indicator circle

You can click the state link to open the /wiki/spaces/WLSD/pages/6620644246workflow popup.

This Review state has a content review transition. For the Review state the workflow popup displays

  • the content review (Review this page)

  • the Approve and Reject buttons

  • +Add Reviewer option allows one or more users to be assigned to the content review

  • if the colored circle on the content byline is filled, it means you (as the current user viewing the content) are assigned to a content review.

A workflow state can be figured to allow a user to select the destination state for the transition.

A state can be set as a final state in the workflow. The default state byline circle for a final state is green.

Attributes for the state (state name, any added state description, expiration period) are displayed in the workflow popup.

Each state in a custom workflow can be edited using workflow builder.