Tip |
Administrators can choose to enable or disable single-page publishing when space publishing is used in a space. |
Choose Publish in the dialog box to confirm the publishing of all documents in the space to the target space
Whilst space publishing occurs all other publishing by users (both page and other space publishing actions) will be disabled until the publishing is complete. A publishing action using a Comala Document Management workflow trigger can still occur.
A progress bar displays the progress of the space publishing process.
Note |
If the space administrator does not have view and edit permissions over a page in the source space, this page will not be published to the target space. |
The page will also not be reported under the
Pages that were not published
listing in the
space publishing job completed report. This is because the view and edit permissions cause the page to be hidden from any publishing action for this space administrator.
Space publish error
If there is a problem in completing the space publishing action, the following error message will be displayed.