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How to set the target space and copy options to simply copy the content in a space

A one-off copy of a space to a target space

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Table of Contents


You can copy one space to another when you have a space with information you want to replicate.


Copy Space is used to copy


all the space content as it exists at a point in time

  • a target space for the copy must be set prior to each use of the Copy Space action

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The target space set for Copy Space is not linked to the target space set in the space publishing configuration for the space.

What is copied?

Copy Space can be configured in the space settings Copy Space dashboard to include

  • pages, blogposts, top-level pages

The copy action can


also be set to include

  • labels, content properties, scaffolding data, version comments

You can also choose to match labels on content in each space, delete any content found in the target space, copy page restrictions and replace source space references in the copied content to target space references.

The content to be copied is


configured separately to the space publishing configuration options


Who can use Copy Space?


To copy a space you will need to

  • have space admin permission in the space you want to copy

  • have at least View, Edit and Delete permission for pages, blog posts, and attachments in the target space

  • to be a member of the Confluence user group added to


Copying a space

To copy one space to another:


Choose Publishing in the space tools menu


Select the Target Space for the content to be copied to using the dropdown menu.


If you want to replace the target space home page with the source space home page you can do this


Choose Copy Space when you have set the required copy options and selected a target space.
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Choose Confirm Copy Space.


Copy Options




Copy Pages


Pages are included in the copy. If not selected, pages are ignored.


Ignore Top-level Pages


The space home page and other orphan pages are not published.


Copy Labels


Include labels when copying pages or blog posts.


Copy Blog Posts


Blog posts are included in the copy. If not selected, blog posts are ignored.


Delete Pages added in Target Space


Delete existing pages in the target space. 


Replace Labels Exactly


Add missing labels on the target space, and do an exact copy of all labels on all pages/blog posts.


Advanced Options




Replace modification date with copying date


For copied pages, blog posts and attachments the modification or creation date will match the date the copying occurred.

By default, the modification date will be taken from the item in the source space that is being published.


Copy Properties


Page properties are attributes associated with pages usually defined by other plugins.

See the specific plugin's configuration for determining the prefix of the properties to be published. Properties with prefixes specified in Confluence Admin only are published. 


Copy Version Update Comments


The most recent comment is published as the page update comment on the target space.


Replace Local Space References


Replace all the local space references (i.e. [SPACEKEY:PageName]) with the public space key.


Copy Scaffold Data


Copy the scaffold data. Only the latest version data will be copied.


Copy Comala Document Management final state version


Using Copy Space

Child pages (Children Display)