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Publish a single page from the page itself

Table of Contents
excludeSee also


A user can publish a single page from a Publish option on the page itself.

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Space PublishingImage Added

The single page Publish byline option is only displayed if the current space has been linked to a target space in the publishing dashboard, single page publishing is enabled for the space and the user has appropriate permission for the page

Single page publishing

An existing page in the draft space that has been published will display a PUBLISHED lozenge and a link to the published space content.

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To publish changes to an existing single page

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  • edit an existing page and Publish the page update
     the Save the changes

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 A Publish byline option and an OUT OF SYNC publishing lozenge is added to the draft content

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An OUT OF SYNC lozenge is also be added to the linked published space page

To publish changes to an existing single page

  • choose the Comala Publishing the Publish byline optionImage Removed

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A dialog box requests confirmation of the


publish and sync for this content. It also displays the target published space name.

  • choose Yes to publish and sync the page

The publish and sync of the single page is confirmed on-screen.

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The draft source and published target space pages will both display the PUBLISHED status lozenge.

Draft Source (sourcedraft) space page

PUBLISHED Target (targetpublished) space page

Comala Publishing will display a warning in the editor when attempting to edit on a published page in the target space but you can edit and save changes on this published target space page.

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When you next publish the draft version of that page from the source space the content in the target space will be overwritten.


If you are using a Confluence theming app, you will need to ensure the byline that lists the page author, date, etc is visible as this is where the Publish page button is displayed.

Space configuration for

Enabling single page publishing

To use single page publishing in a space,

  • Single

page publishing
  • Page Publish must

  • be enabled for the space by using the tick slider Show "Publish" button on each page

 in the .

Other publishing configuration settings and/or user permissions may mean the on-page Publish byline option is not displayed even if Single Page Publish is enabled. For example, a publishing sync label is configured but not added to the page.

User permissions

To publish a single page using the Publish button on the content you need to have the following Confluence permissions in the source and target spaces to publish a page or blog post.

  • View All

  • Add and Delete pages

  • Add and Delete news

  • Add and Delete attachments

You will also need to check that

  • a source space and published have been set up

  • configuration settings

  • in the published space, the page you are publishing does not have any page restrictions limiting your access

  • you are a member of the groups added to the Publishers Group in Comala Publishing global configuration (check with your global administrator)