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Transitions are the change of the approval workflow state from a source state to a destination state.


There can be one or possible transitions from a state. A transition from a state can occur due to

  • approval of the content

  • rejection of the content

  • an update of the content

The transitions available are different in each of the approval workflow state.

Review state

The Review state is the initial state for the approval workflow.

In the Review state the content can undergo one of two transitions:



On the content, the approval workflow popup displays the option buttons for a reviewer to Approve or Reject the content.


An approval transition from the Review state is based on the user content review decision.

  • Approve - transition to the Approved state

  • Reject - transition to the Rejected state

If more than reviewer is assigned all reviewers must agree for the transition to occur.

Approved state

The Approved state is the final or published state after the content has been approved.

In the published Approved state, if the content is edited and saved, the page will move to the draft state Review:


On the content the approval workflow popup displays a message confirming the document has gone through an approval process.

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There are no workflow popup options for a user to undertake an action to cause a transition.

A transition will occur only when the content is updated.

  • Update content - transition to the Review state

Rejected state

Pages or blogs in the Rejected can be approved, and the page will transition to the Approved state. If the content is edited, the Comala Document Approval workflow will transition the page or blog to the Review state:



On the content, the approval workflow popup displays the option buttons for a reviewer to Approve or Reject the content.


The approval transition from the Rejected state is based on the user approve decision or an update of the content

  • Approve - transition to the Approved state

  • Update content - transition to the Review state

The content whilst in the Rejected state can also be rejected by an assigned approver. There a reviewer. However there will be no transition , the page for this content review decision. The content will remain in the Rejected state, but the reject action of rejection will be adds the reviewer avatar and rejection decision to the workflow popup.


The reject decision is also recorded in the Approval History.


View-Only users will


not be able to view the workflow byline or the workflow popup. If a user is assigned as a reviewer they must have view and edit permission to undertake the approval.

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