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To publish individual pages a space admin in the space tools Publishing dashboard must choose choose the Configure options button
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You need to have the following Confluence permissions in the published space to publish a draft page or blog post
You will also need to check that
An existing page in the draft space that has been published will display a PUBLISHED lozenge and a link to the published space content.
To publish changes to an existing single page
- Edit edit an existing page and Update
An OUT OF SYNC publishinglozenge Publish the page update - the Publish byline option and an OUT OF SYNC publishing lozenge is added to the draft content. This lozneg will
An OUT OF SYNC lozenge is also be added to the linked published space content.
Choose Publish
- choose the Comala Publishing Publish byline option
The dialog box requests confirmation of the Publish and sync for this content. It also displays the target published space name. - choose Yes to publish and sync the page
The draft and published space pages will both display the PUBLISHED status lozenge.
Draft (source) space page
PUBLISHED (target)space page
You can edit and save changes on a published space page. However, when you next publish the draft version of that page, it overwrites the content on the published space page.