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In space tools Document Control Dashboard a space admin can select a workflow and make it active on all content in the current space.

The dashboard allows For the added space workflow a space admin can configure the workflow to


initialize the states for the active space workflow


clear workflow history


reindex workflows after the import of a space


set the removal of all view and edit restrictions when the content transitions to the final state in the workflow


Table of Contents

The Document Control dashboard also includes utilities to

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Space Document Control dashboard


Choose Apply to replace the current workflow with the workflow chosen in the workflow picker.


Set Parameters



If the current workflow includes a workflow parameter, a space admin can set the value for the workflow parameter(s) for the currently active workflow using the Ste Parameters button. For example


The parameter value will be used by the workflow when a workflow event retrieves the parameter value for example when the space workflow is active in the space and a new page is created. Changing the parameter value does not automatically update the value on the content until an event occurs that checks and retrieves the space set value.



Remove restrictions



When content reaches transitions to the workflow final state, the workflow can be set to remove all view and edit restrictions for all users and groups.


Table of Contents


Reindex Workflows



The option Reindex Workflows should be used whenever a space is imported.


(blue star) If the space workflow is disabled, the Reindex Workflows option is the only workflow utility displayed.

Initialize states


A space admin can choose to initialize the workflow state for the active space workflow applied to the content in the space.


(blue star) The Initialize states option is only displayed when the space workflow is enabled

Clear Workflow History


The option CLEAR deletes the history of the workflow actions for every page and post in the space and resets the workflow state to the initial workflow state of the enabled space workflow.
