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excludeUser Guide

Overall read confirmation status

If the read confirmation has at least one assigned reader the overall read confirmation status lozenge (Pending, Partial or Confirmed or Confirmed) is displayed in the read confirmation popup.


If one or more users have been assigned as a reader the status lozenge will be pending. The read confirmation byline on the page will change to the current status.


If the read confirmation is adding added using the read confirmation macro the status lozenge will also be displayed on the page if one or more readers are assigned.


If the read confirmation has no users assigned as readers the read confirmation has no overall status

  • the read confirmation popup will not display a status lozenge

  • the byline on the page sub-title will be Read Confirmation

The read confirmation status bar is only displayed when the read confirmation macro is used. No status bar is displayed when using a simple read confirmation.

Pending   status lozenge

The PENDING status lozenge


Will will be displayed for the overall read confirmation

  • if one or more readers have been assigned but none have confirmed the read confirmation


The read confirmation byline on the page sub-title will be Pending.


Partial  status lozenge

The PARTIAL status lozenge


Will will be displayed for the overall read confirmation

  • if one or more assigned readers have confirmed but at least one other assigned reader has not yet confirmed


The read confirmation byline on the page sub-title will be Partial.


Confirmed status lozenge

Will The CONFIRMED status lozenge will be displayed for the overall read confirmation

  • once a reader is assigned the overall read confirmation status will only


    be Confirmed


     when all assigned readers have each confirmed reading the content


The read confirmation byline on the page sub-title will be Confirmed.


No status lozenge

There is no status lozenge displayed for the overall read confirmation if there are no users assigned as readers and there is no read confirmation history. This will occur for example, when a read confirmation is applied to content for the first time.

On the page, the byline will simply display the breadcrumb as Read Confirmation.


User Guide

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